Watch A Movie With Us!

This is the 3rd film so far in the femUNITY film series. The theme this month will be racial justice and post racism.  Come join us as we watch the film Django: Unchained and stay for the intriguing  discussion that follows. The movie will begin at 7:00PM  on the 1st floor of the Psychology Building in room 0002.  It will be facilitated by Sonnet Gabbard and Jess Masagara.  Click the link below for a sneak peek of what to expect!

Django: Unchained

Here are a couple of a questions to think about while watching the film:

  1. Does the Western genre obscure or enhance questions of race and gender in Django: Unchained?
  2. How is director Quentin Tarantino’s use of violence in Djanjo racialized?
  3. Does Tarantino’s sense of humor, cinematography, and editing affect how the audience views slavery?

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