J.C. Frelka, D.M. Phinney, X. Yang, M.V. Knopp, D.R. Heldman, M.P. Wick, Y. Vodovotz. 2018. Assessment of chicken breast meat quality after freeze/thaw abuse using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. J Sci Food Agric. 99:844-853.
Roe, B. E., D.M. Phinney, C.T. Simons, A.S. Badiger, K.E. Bender, and D.R. Heldman. 2018. Discard intentions are lower for milk presented in containers without date labels. Food Qual Prefer. 66:13-18.
Fan, M., D.M. Phinney, and D.R. Heldman. 2018. The impact of clean-in-place parameters on rinse water effectiveness and efficiency. J Food Engr. 222:276-283.
Frelka, J.C., D.C. Phinney, M.P. Wick, and D.R. Heldman. 2017. Reverse stability kinetics of meat pigment oxidation in aqueous extract from fresh beef. J Food Sci. 82:2910-2914.
Phinney, D. M., A. Feldman and D.R. Heldman. 2017. Modeling high protein liquid beverage fouling during pilot scale ultra-high temperature (UHT) processing. Food Bioprod Process. 106:43-52.
Paluri, S., D.R. Heldman, and F. Maleky. 2017. Effects of structural attributes and phase ratio on moisture diffusion in crystallized lipids. Crystal Growth Des. 17:4661-4669.
Paluri, S., F. Maleky, and D.R. Heldman. 2017. Development of a structure-based model for moisture diffusion in multiphase lipid networks. J Food Eng. 214: 60-68.
Phinney, D. M., K. Goode, P.J. Fryer, D.R. Heldman, and S. Bakalis. 2017. Identification of residual nano-scale foulant material on stainless steel using atomic force microscopy after clean in place. J Food Engr. 214:236-244.
Phinney, D.M., J.C. Frelka, A. Wickramasinghe, and D.R. Heldman. D.R. 2017. Effect of freezing rate and microwave thawing on texture and microstructural properties of potato (Solanum tuberosum). J Food Sci. 82(4): 933-938.
Phinney, D.M., J.C. Frelka, and D.R. Heldman. 2017. Composition-Based Prediction of Temperature-Dependent Thermophysical Food Properties: Reevaluating Component Groups and Prediction Models. J Food Sci. 82:6-15.
Phinney, D.M., J.C. Frelka, J.L. Cooperstone, S.J. Schwartz, and D.R. Heldman. 2017. Effect of solvent addition sequence on lycopene extraction efficiency from membrane neutralized caustic peeled tomato waste. Food Chem. 215:354-361.
Fan, M., D.M. Phinney, and D.R. Heldman. 2015. Effectiveness of Rinse Water during In-Place Cleaning of Stainless Steel Pipe Lines. J Food Sci. 80, E1490-1497.
Paluri, S., M. Shavezipur, D.R. Heldman, and F. Maleky. 2015. Analysis of moisture diffusion mechanism in structured lipids using magnetic resonance imaging. RSC Adv. 5, 76904-76911.
Phinney, D.M., J.C. Frelka, and D.R. Heldman. 2016. Modelling the chemical free neutralization of caustic peeled tomato slurry as a continuously stirred tank. Food Bioprod Process. 100:545-550.