On Friday April 5th, from 3:00-5:00pm in Smith-Steeb Room 101, I participated in “Go Buckeye Day” along with other students (both current and prospective) in the International Affairs Scholars Program. This day is one of the largest visit days for future Buckeyes and their families, and at the IA event in particular, I had the amazing opportunity of talking with potential IA scholars and their families about what the program has to offer, the various ways to get involved around campus, and life as a student at Ohio State in general.
One of the many things that I appreciated about Go Buckeye Day was that there was a wide range of IA scholars at this event, both prospective and current, who were involved in a number of different things around campus and therefore able to share their own unique accounts of what being a student at OSU can offer. There were students there involved in residence life, CRIS (Community Refugee and Immigration Services), Tedx, OUAB (Ohio Union Activities Board), and many other organizations outside of IA. For me personally, I talked a lot about Undergraduate Student Government and the many ways you can get involved in student governance at Ohio State, and also about being an Office Assistant at the front desk of my residence hall, which I plugged in as a great job opportunity for students who plan to live on campus. Going back to the overall diversity of the panel and resultant experiences, there were first along with second year students at this event, which allowed for fresh accounts of life as an IA scholar and some more refined ones as well, respectively. There were also students who majored in things outside of political science, international relations, and other areas of study typically associated with IA, which showed our prospective students and their families that being a scholar at Ohio State is more than just complementing your area of study; you can pursue things in life that may have nothing to do with what you want to do in the future, but at the same time, these extracurricular experiences can prove to draw more parallels to your other interests than you might initially think.
As I’m closing in on my fourth semester at Ohio State and my “final” official semester as an IA scholar, I realize that participating in this event allowed for me to do some much needed reflection on these past two years. Looking back, I’ve made some of my best friends and have had some of my best experiences as a result of participating in the International Affairs Scholars Program. I really enjoyed our sense of community, along with the academic and career opportunities that were offered by the program. My first two years at Ohio State as a whole were some of the most transformative years of my life thus far, and I can’t wait to see what the next few years have in store for me and all of my friends at this university. Go Bucks!