Lab Visit-Dr. Amacher

This past week, I was able to visit Dr. Amacher’s lab and learn about a type of species used in lieu of mice in numerous experiments; zebra-fish. It is a type of fish whose inner organs are transparent through its skin, allowing for many results to be seen far easier than if done on other mediums such as mice. Learning about this species and the methodology used when experimenting with it was fascinating, as it is something I had never heard of before yet is incredible to see. It gave me new insight on a form of research that was entirely new to me, and I was allowed to learn all about the pros and cons of this zebrafish, along with it’s uses in studying multiple diseases such as muscular dystrophy and even certain strands of cancers. While I am already involved in a lab, going on this visit gave me another line of research that is incredibly interesting to me that I will be very keen to get involved in. imgresf4-large

Professor Eat n’ Greet

Last month, I got to join Dr. Fus and Dr. Loza for a student-faculty dinner. It was great learning more about the journey that they took to get to where they are now, and the advice that they had to give looking back on what they had done. Getting to see the professor outside of their usual position of teaching was a new experience for me, and being reminded that not everything goes exactly as planned is helping me to keep my options open. rosemary-loza-big

2013 ADE North America Institute

About Me

Ahmad Hegazi is a first year pre-medical student currently studying to be a chemistry major. He was born in Pittsburgh, PA and currently lives in Dublin, OH. He plans to enter into medical school upon finishing his undergraduate degree. He is currently looking for ways to get involved in the research facilities at OSU, and plans to focus primarily on cancer research. He wishes to keep his GPA high in order to have the highest chances at getting accepted to medical school, and is currently seeking extracurricular activities to get more involved in, primarily clubs that revolve around the political aspects of student life. In his free time, he enjoys fencing and playing games with friends. He is currently working at Dr. Williams lab, aiding in the research of further sensitizing cancer cells to radiation and allowing for more effective removal of the tumors.

Anatomy Faculty Interview


For my scholars event last month, I attended an anatomy faculty interview, where we were able to ask questions to two of the anatomy faculty members featured in the picture: Dr. Melissa Quinn, and Graduate Associate Allison Foster. While anatomy has not been in my direct radar of what I wish to enter into pertaining to the pre-health industry, it was a great opportunity to ask them about the various differences between the anatomy and medicine route. I knew next to nothing about what it took to enter into anatomy, and from this event I was able to learn more about not only the application process, but what the field entails.


Global Awareness: I plan on exploring the option to study abroad, with the goal of doing so in Egypt. While both allowing me to explore life outside of the Unites States, I can utilize my proficiency in Arabic best if the study abroad experience were in Egypt.
Original Inquiry: I am currently volunteering at Dr. Terence William’s research lab, and am beginning to work on the study making cancer cells further sensitized to radiation in order to allow for more effective treatment when performing radiation on the tumors.
Academic Enrichment: My academic rigor is shown through my chemistry major and the pre-medical. I plan to show that I am not just someone who is willing to and able to handle the intense academic rigor of a chemistry/pre-medical major, but also that I am someone who is able to enjoy what is truly being taught outside of a bundle of facts.
Leadership Development: I strive to lead in some capacity, however the opportunity to do so currently feels limited. I wish to get more involved in extracurricular activities, and through proving my commitment and reliability apply for a more involved role outside of a regular member.
Service Engagement: I am returning to my prior volunteer hours of working at a local cat shelter, and I also plan on volunteering at the Riverside Methodist Hospital, to start getting a more enhanced feel for what I really plan on doing, along with being able to help out the people there in any way I can.



This picture was taken following the academic achievement ceremony at Dublin Coffman High School. From it, I was accredited with the valedictorian medal and the AP Scholars with Distinction. This event was incredibly valuable to me in that it reminded me that my hard work was taken into account, and that with the right amount of effort I can succeed both in and outside of class. It also allowed me to distinguish between those who really put in the effort to succeed and were rewarded and those who only pretended to.