Kathryn Marklein

Picture of Kathryn Marklein

Kathryn’s research interests lie in Classical and Roman East Mediterranean and Black Sea bioarchaeology, investigating historical questions about ancient imperialism, its proximal and ultimate consequences, on liminal populations. For her dissertation, she is studying and contextualizing the onset and virulence of epidemic disease within the sociopolitical and ecological environs of Oymaağaç, Turkey during the second and third centuries CE. Employing archaeological and historical evidence with human skeletal remains, this research aims to 1) identify which individuals in the population succumbed to pathogenic disease and 2) explain, within a biocultural framework, why these individuals died.

In addition to research in Turkey, she is involved in projects in Greece, Israel, and Georgia (the state). She works as a graduate teaching associate in the Department of Anthropology,  and is a graduate research associate in the Bioarchaeology Laboratory.