Hello! My name is Sarah Haysley. I am currently an 4th year Eminence Fellow and Stamps Scholar studying Speech and Hearing Sciences with a minor in American Sign Language Studies. While originally from Denver, Colorado, I am thankful to have found a home at The Ohio State University with its vibrant community and hunger for learning.
Initially, I discovered Speech and Hearing Sciences through my interaction with the Deaf community and my love for American Sign Language. These interests led me to a 6 week internship with Denver Hearing Specialists in my senior year of high school. There, I learned from three audiologists and a AuD graduate student about clinical work and vestibular testing. I also shadowed audiologists at community health fairs and audiologists specializing in cochlear implants. In the summer of 2020, I interned with Columbine Hearing Care, a private practice. During this internship, I organized hearing aid parts and called patients to survey their needs. With each of these experiences, I have learned something new about aural rehabilitation and LOVED every minute of it.
I am intentionally seeking out every opportunity to learn more because I find aural rehabilitation to be endlessly fascinating. Lucky for me, its a growing field that recognizes the endless opportunity for investigation within audiology. My curiosity led me to research experiences at Ohio State and in Utah. Check out each “Year in Review” for specifics on my research experiences. Next year, I will pursue the dual AuD & PhD degree program. I am confident that a career in audiological research will lead me to the contribution and the investigation within audiology that I seek.
My values of community and service led me to Delight Ministries and to Cultivate Columbus. My empathetic and efficient communication allowed me to be the first contact as the Fellowship Leader for women joining Delight Ministries. My work helped Delight, an on-campus group of women seeking Christ-centered community, to grow from 30 members to 100+ members this semester. I was in charge of organizing small groups and facilitating communication between these groups. At Cultivate Columbus, an organization connecting OSU students with local groups striving to promote sustainability, nourishment, and food security to the community, I contributed to a Columbus City Schools project that was utilized by over 60 schools and 7,000 teachers schools to educate students on different careers in sustainability.
Be sure to read each Year in Review for more of my story!