

This year through STEM Scholars and numerous other clubs and organizations, I have learned a variety of skills that I know will be of great use to me when I get into the working world. So far, my biggest take-away from the STEM Scholars program has been the development of my ability to work with those who are different from myself. Up until this point in my life, I had never been challenged to work on unique projects like the ones we completed in our STEM Scholars seminar with people who were much different from myself. Projects like “How to Draw Toast” and Case Studies forced me to consider other points of view that didn’t always agree with my own, and to acknowledge how these different thoughts could be incorporated with my own. Additionally, this scholars program has educated me on a variety of other STEM careers that I had no prior knowledge on, but will most likely be interacting with someday once I enter the working world. Alongside the STEM Scholars program, I worked closely with Women in Math and Science, or WIMS for short this year. In WIMS, we used original ideas to put together a program to raise awareness of STEM careers among Girl Scouts because women are often outnumbered by men in math and science fields. Putting together this program helped improve my organizational and leadership skills exponentially, because we spent the whole year putting together this program without guidance or ideas from Ohio State staff. For me, the development of these skills I know will be crucial in the work force someday because I hope to manage and mentor others in my career. Finally, I also found applicable work skills in a fairly unlikely place, in joining a social sorority. While becoming a member of a sorority was something I chose to do for fun, I did notice that there were aspects of the recruitment process that I believe will prepare me for searching for a job. Throughout recruitment, I “interviewed” at all of the chapters, and learned that much like a job interview, you need to show case the things that make you stand out against other “applicants”. Additionally, the recruitment process taught me to be more personable, and how to make comfortable conversation with people much different than myself. All in all, the activities I chose to participate in throughout my freshman year of college have greatly helped me to develop as a person, as well as taught me many great skills that I will someday use when I search for a job and begin my career.

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