Ansible: Run multiple commands using command module and with_items

notice the double quotes before and after the {{item}}.

  - name: install an apple
    command: "{{item}}"
     - tar -xvzf /tmp/apple.tar.gz creates=/tmp/apple
     - /tmp/apple/ --default creates=/etc/apple
     - rm -rf /tmp/apple

18 thoughts on “Ansible: Run multiple commands using command module and with_items

  1. With Ansible 1.6.7, this generates an error:

    fatal: [] => A variable inserted a new parameter into the module args. Be sure to quote variables if they contain equal signs (for example: “{{var}}”).

    FATAL: all hosts have already failed — aborting

  2. السلامُ عليكم و رحمة اللّهِ و بركاته Bhai

    How do you loop over multiple hosts with multiple commands?

  3. name: To run script
    hosts: your_hostname

    – name: To run multiple commands using command module
    command: “{{item}}”
    – ls -ltr /tmp
    – uptime
    – df -h
    – cat /tmp/abc.txt
    register: reg_out
    – debug: msg=”{{ reg_out.results | map (attribute=’stdout_lines’) | list }}”

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