Global Awareness:
- For global awareness, I want to consider doing a semester abroad to enhance and broaden my experiences.
Original Inquiry:
- I want to take on some business internships or co-ops to give some real-life experience to my major. I think this will really help me connect the things I learn in class to how it’s truly implemented into an everyday job that I could possibly have in the future.
Academic Enrichment:
- There are lots of basic general education requirements that I feel I just need to get out of the way so I can focus on my major. But, I’m using these requirements to take classes that really interest me, because without these requirements I probably wouldn’t be taking them at all and I want to make the most of it. On top of that, I’m planning on working hard and getting the best grades I can.
Leadership Development:
- For leadership, I want to get involved in volunteering as I did in high school and try to take on leadership roles within.
Service Engagement:
- As mentioned under leadership development, I want to get involved in volunteering around campus and in organizations that can help me find service projects I can engage in.