To enhance my global awareness, I plan on taking many cultural classes such as French 5205: Black Africa and Diaspora. I am planning on studying abroad for a semester my junior year to immerse myself in another culture. I am strongly considering minoring in World Literatures, which would expand my knowledge of other areas of the world that I otherwise would not learn about.
Original Inquiry was a tough category for me to write about, because when you think of “French,” conducting research doesn’t really cross your mind. When I think of research, I think of labs and science and a whole bunch of stuff I only somewhat understand. I have recently learned that I can write an undergraduate research thesis with the guidance of a faculty member. I am very interested in what this would entail, and I plan on looking into it further!
In order to be academically enriched, I plan on fulfilling my GE requirements with honors and upper-level classes as much as I can. As I consider becoming a teacher and pursuing the MEd at Ohio state, I need to take a couple of classes as prerequisites. This includes ESSPED 5650: Introduction to Exception Children, as well as either ESEPSY 5401: Adolescent Learning and Development in School Contexts or Psychology 3351H – Psychology of Adolescence.
One of my main goals during my time at Ohio State is to become more of a leader. I am going to apply to be on the Honors and Scholars Programming Board, which I hope will enhance my leadership skills. To learn more about what it means to be a good leader, I plan on attending workshops that focus on leadership development. I am also hoping that, if I find an organization I am extremely passionate about, I can plan events and hold some type of leadership role.
Service Engagement is one of my favorite topics! I love volunteering and taking time to help others in need. So far I have participated in three service opportunities: the Community Commitment event, where a group of us went to a church in Columbus and cleaned, and two events hosted by the Honors and Scholars Programming Board (we went to the Furniture Bank of Central Ohio and, most recently, the Westminster-Thurber Assisted Living Community). I recently applied for the Semester of Service program, and I plan on participating in many more volunteer events while a student at Ohio State University!