
Weekly Blog Post 2: Communicating & Collaborating

Let’s talk about group work! I know this is everyones two least favorite words to hear sitting in a class, am I right? I am probably a group member that all of you would hate because I’m not good at collaborating and also a little shy. However, that is no excuse, especially in 2019 with all of the technology that we now have.

This week in my ESEPSY 1159 class we talked about communicating and collaborating! An important thing that I learned this week was about Digital Literacy and online collaborating. When working on a group project there are many cloud based tools we can use to make collaborating easier. So what is ‘the cloud’ anyway? The video from the BBC defined a cloud by “a remote server where we can save and access documents by connecting to the internet”. Google Docs is a great example of a collaborative server we can use. This way each person can work on his or her tasks on their own time and is especially helpful for people in different locations!

This can also be related to something else we talked about this week which was goal setting. This is something that I struggle with and will put into practice for my next group project. When using collaborated online servers calendars can be used for due dates and task setting. You can even message group members and communicate while working on the document. I know what you’re all thinking… this is also a way to find out which grouper member is the slacker, which is a win (and would probably be me)!