Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Training is required by Ohio Law for all youth enrolled in market livestock and lactating dairy projects. This training is required every year by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Youth must complete the training no less than 45 days before the first show of the fair.  The Hardin County Deadline is JULY 20, 2024.  The Ohio State Fair Deadline is JUNE 1.  Members who do not meet these deadlines will not be eligible to show in market or dairy classes.

Where can I get Quality Assurance Training?

Option 1 – Countywide Training: Hardin County 4-H holds two countywide Quality Assurance Trainings for all 4-H and FFA members. This training is FREE for Hardin County youth. Members must attend the entire 60-minute training in order to complete. It is recommended that a parent/guardian attends with first year members. Countywide trainings will be held on:

  • Thursday, March 14 from 6:00 – 7:00 at the Fairgrounds Community Building
  • Wednesday, April 17 from 6:30 to 7:30 at the Fairgrounds Community Building
  • Sunday, May 19 from 2:00 to 3:00 at the Fairgrounds Community Building

Option 2 – In-club Training: Hardin County 4-H and FFA also have several clubs/chapters that will hold their own QA training at one of their meetings.  Talk to your advisor and see if your club has a date set for in-club training.

Option 3 – Online Training: The final option for completing Quality Assurance is the only YQCA program.  The is the only online training approved by the Ohio Department of Agriculture for youth QA Training. You can complete this training online for a fee (less than $20). Your YQCA certificate must be sent to the OSU Extension Office in Hardin County before July 20 in order to exhibit at the Hardin County Fair. NOTE: Youth members must complete this training individually, so if a household has 3 youth members, you will need 3 emails and pay 3 fees for the training.


Good Production Practices (GPPs) for 2024

GPP #2: Establish and Implement an Efficient and Effective Health Management Plan
GPP #4: Properly Store and Administer Animal Health Products
GPP #5: Follow Proper Feed Processing Protocols