EquiSTEP Training and Ohio 4-H Uniform Rules for Horse Shows

EquiSTEP Training

EquiSTEP Training is required by Ohio State University Extension for all 4-H member enrolled in a horse/pony/draft horse project. The training must be completed every year. Youth who do not complete EquiSTEP training by June 1 will not be eligible to participate in any 4-H horse activities, including the Hardin County Fair.

How do I get EquiSTEP Training? 

Option 1: In-person training: Hardin County 4-H will hold one in-person EquiSTEP training on Sunday, May 19 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. This training will include all required learning activities and Hardin County 4-H/Fair horse updates.  First year horse members are REQUIRED to attend in-person training. 

Option 2: Online training: Returning horse members have the option to complete EquiSTEP training online through OSU’s Canvas platform. You will be required to enroll in the course with an email and complete all modules to get your certificate.  Households with more than one member will need to have a unique email for each member, and every individual must complete all the modules on their own. Certificates of completion must be turned into the OSU Extension Office by June 1.  Take the online training here by clicking enroll.

Ohio 4-H Uniform Rules for Horse Shows

All 4-H members are REQUIRED to have a copy of 179R Uniform Rules for 4-H Horse Shows. Rule books are updated every 3 years, and youth must acquire the most up-to-date version. The next update will be released in 2024.  These rules apply to all 4-H horse activities, including workouts, club meetings, parades, fun shows, and Fair Shows. The rule book can be purchased at the OSU Extension Office or online.

Ohio 4-H Helmet Rule:
All youth age 19 and under, participating in any 4-H equestrian activity, are required to wear properly fitted protective headgear which meets or exceeds current ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards with the chin harness securely fastened at all times while riding or driving an equine.

It is the responsibility of the rider, or the parent/guardian of the youth participant, to make sure that the headgear worn complies with appropriate safety standards for protective headgear intended for equestiran use and is properly fitted and in good condition. The Ohio 4-H Horse Program, show committee, officials, Extension personnel, and volunteer leaders are not responsible for checking headgear worn for such compliance.

The Ohio 4-H Horse Program, show committees, officials, Extension personnel, and volunteer leaders make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, about any protective headgear, and caution riders that death or serious injury may result despite wearing such headgear, as no helmet can protect against all foreseeable injuries in equestrian activities.

The Ohio 4-H Horse Program, show committees, officials, Extension personnel, and volunteer leaders may, at his/her discretion, check a participant’s protective headgear for proper standards. If the youth is found to be wearing unapproved, defective, or improperly fitted headgear, he/she is not permitted to participate in riding or driving activities until proper headgear is acquired.

The Hardin County Ag Society (Fair Board) requires all people age 19 and under to comply with the helmet rule at all times on the Hardin County Fairgrounds. This includes 4-H shows, open shows, and any fair shows/events during the week of the fair. Anyone under the age of 19 not in compliance will be given a one-year suspension from all Hardin County Fair horse/pony shows and activities.