Dr. Mary Rodriguez, Dr. Dee Jepsen, and Alexis Zickafoose from The Ohio State University are conducting research to better understand how being involved in a cooperative can influence women’s agricultural enterprise self-efficacy. We hope to learn more about your experiences in agriculture and your agricultural enterprise self-efficacy.
If you agree to participate, the questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes of your time. The responses provided will be reported together so that individual participants will be protected. There are no risks in this study in addition to the risks you face in everyday life.
Please click here to read more information about the study, decide if you want to participate, and complete the questionnaire.
Link to consent information and questionnaire: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6WgNtVqT9ZAE9pk
Thank you for your consideration,
Dr. Mary Rodriguez, Dr. Dee Jepsen, and Alexis Zickafoose