Ohio legislative roundup: final bills passed in 2024

December 31 saw the end of the 135th Ohio General Assembly. The assembly’s Lame Duck session following the November election brought with it the passage of several bills that may have an effect on agriculture and natural resources throughout the state.  Any bills the legislature did not approve before the end of the session “died” and are no longer under consideration.  Click the button below for a summary of bills the lawmakers passed, which are all now signed by Governor DeWine.

Southwestern Ohio Small Farm Management College

Location: Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH

Dates: February 5, 12, 19, & 26, 2025

Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Cost: $80 for the first family member.  Each additional family member is $40 per person.  Each family receives only one binder of resources.  Participants are expected to attend every session.

Registration: Pre-registration is required.  Registration deadline is January 31, 2025.

Contact Information: Greg Meyer, (513)695-1853 or meyer.213@osu.edu

Syllabus highlights:

Session I:       February 5, 2025   Getting Started on Your New Farm Business

Session II:       February 12, 2025   You Can’t Measure What You Don’t Track (Farm Recordkeeping, Budgets and Taxes)

Session III:      February 19, 2025  The Legal Side of Small Farm Management

Session IV:       February 26, 2025 Money, money, money!  The Financial Side of Small Farm Management

SCOTUS to Decide Fate of Nationwide Injunction Against Corporate Transparency Act

The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) has reached the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”). On New Year’s Eve, the U.S. Department of Justice submitted an application to SCOTUS, seeking either a stay of the nationwide injunction or, at a minimum, a limitation of the injunction’s scope to the plaintiffs specifically named in the Texas Top Cop Shop case.