November 28, 2021
Project 10 – Cartoon
Sketch, Outlined, Marker parts, colored pencil / finished.
November 14, 2021
Project 9 – Pattern
75% and 100% completed.
November 7, 2021
Project 8 – Collage of Key Memories
Here is the set up for the person and the buildings when I was preparing.
Here is the final outcome.
Here is an explanation behind the collage:
This piece is representative of the “Lights Out” initiative that happens every year. It’s basically just wanting buildings to turn off their lights once it gets dark so that migrating birds don’t hit the windows because they think they can just fly through. The birds can either die from the initial hit or the fall to either their death or a major injury. All the birds in the collage are actually migratory species that go through Ohio. The collage includes the migratory birds that make up the dress, a human figure that represents how it’s up to us help stop the window collisions, the buildings are all covered with graphite to show how the lights are off, the buildings are also made up of text blocks from newspapers that are upside down because the news rarely reports about Lights Out and its importance, and the sky is coated with charcoal to show that it’s night which is when turning the lights out is important.
This is important to me because I remember when I first learned about it and realized how much it wasn’t talked about and it changed what I wanted to do with my future. Before I had just wanted to study and work with birds, but after learning about “Lights Out” I decided I also wanted to help inform the general public about issues like this.
October 24, 2021
Project 7 – Planes in Space – Drawing from what you have learned so far
Finished drawing – I forgot to take pictures while I was working on the project.
October 17, 2021
Project 6 – Exterior Perspective Buildings in Landscape
50%, 75%, 100%, and house.
October 10, 2021
Project 5 – Interior Perspective with value
50%, 75%, 100%, and set up.
October 3, 2021
Project 4 – Interior Perspective with line and viewfinder
50%, 75%, 100%, and set up.
September 27 – 29
Sketches for Project 4
Piano bench on rug
Bear on basket on table
September 19, 2021
Project 3 – Make a still life tonal drawing
Outline, 50%, 75%, 100% completion, and set up
September 12, 2021
Project 2 – How to Draw a Glass of Water
First is 50%, second is 75%, third is 100% completed, and four is the set up I was looking at.
September 5, 2021
Project 1 – Still Life Contour
Basic outline design of all objects.
Added design and details.
Final- touch up and added line darkness.
Set Up- Here are the objects in the drawing.