Publications resulting from Family Resource Management 895.02. Family Financial Management Workshop, Spring, 1996

Publications resulting from Family Resource Management 895.02. Family Financial Management Workshop, Spring, 1996

Lee, S., Hanna, S. & Sirigar, M. (1997). Children’s college as a saving goal, Financial
Counseling and Planning
, 8 (1), 33-36

Yuh, Y., DeVaney, S., & Hanna, S. (1997). Effects of multiple imputation: Empirical results using tobit analysis to
investigate determinants of the level of assets in pension accounts. Consumer Interests Annual, 43, in press.

Sung, J. & Hanna, S. (1996). Factors related to risk tolerance, Financial Counseling and Planning, 7, 11-20.

Sung, J. &amp Hanna, S. (1996). How does risk tolerance affect IRA contribution and choice of IRA investment
types?, Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Chen, P. & Finke, M. S. (1996). Negative net worth and the life cycle hypothesis. Financial Counseling and Planning, 7,

Finke, M. & Chen, P. (1996). Families with a negative net worth: Choice or circumstance? Proceedings of the
Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education
, 1-16.

Montalto, C. P. & Sung, J. (1996). Multiple imputation in the 1992 Survey of Consumer Finances, Financial Counseling and Planning, 7, 133-146

Yuh, Yoonkyung & Olson, P.D. (1997). Factors affecting the retirement fund levels of self-employed households and wage and salary households. Family Economics and Resource
Management Biennial: The Journal of the FERM Division of the American Association of
Family and Consumer Sciences,
2, 25-31.

Yuh, Y. & DeVaney, S.A. (1996). Determinants of couples’ defined contribution retirement funds, Financial Counseling and Planning, 7, 31-38.

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