The Ohio State University

About the Authors, Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 13(1), 2002

Financial Counseling and Planning,
Volume 13(1), 2002

About the Authors

John R. Burton

Students’ Perception of
Status Consumption
, is a professor of consumer policy and protection
in the Department of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, Utah for 27 years. He is a past editor of Advancing the Consumer
, a publication of the American Council on Consumer Interests
and is a Distinguished Fellow of that organization. His most recent research
has focused on conspicuous consumption and auto leasing. He earned his BS
at the University of Rhode Island and his MS and PhD at the University of
Connecticut in Business and Education.

Joyce Cavanagh

The Impact of Debt Levels
on Participation in and Level of Discretionary Retirement Savings
, is
Assistant Professor and State Extension Specialist with the
Department of Consumer and Family Economics

at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Her interests are in the area
of family financial management education, retirement planning and legal issues
affecting older adults and families. She received her PhD from the University
of Missouri-Columbia.

Kyung-Wook Cha,
Higher Education Borrowing
, is an instructor in the Department of
Consumer Science and Human Development at the Ewha Womans University, Seoul,
South Korea. She received her BS and MS from Ewha Womans University in 1996
and 1998 respectively. She earned her PhD from the University of Missouri-Columbia
in 2001. Her research interests include understanding financial decision-making
including saving and borrowing decisions, household debt, financing college
education, and education loans. She presented her research at the American
Council on Consumer Interests and Association for Financial Counseling and
Planning Education. Her articles are in the final revision for several journals
including the
Journal of Family
and Economic Issues

Research in Higher Education
. She currently teaches courses in personal
financial management, investment and insurance, consumer economics, and research

Haiyang Chen

A Survey of Investment Literacy Among Online Investors

is a Professor of Finance and the Director of the E*TRADE Financial Learning
Center in the Christos M. Cotsakos College of Business at William Paterson
University in Wayne, New Jersey. His research and teaching interests are
in Personal and Corporate Finance, and International Business.

Jessie X. Fan

Students’ Perception of Status
, is an Associate Professor in Family and Consumer Studies
at the University of Utah. Her research interests include household consumption,
saving, borrowing, and investment behaviors, as well as household economic
well-being associated with these behaviors. She was a winner of the McGraw-Hill
Competitive Paper Award of the Academy of Financial Services in 1991 and
1992, and won the 1994 Dissertation Award of the American Council on Consumer
Interests. She has published in

Financial Services Review
, the

Journal of Consumer Affairs

Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal
, the

Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics
, and the

Journal of Family and Economic Issues
. She received a PhD in Family
Resource Management at The Ohio State University in 1993.

Marianne Hilgert,
A Profile of Consumers with High-Rate Home Loans
, is a Research Assistant
in the Division of Consumer and Community Affairs at the Federal Reserve
Board. She holds a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan.

Jeanne M. Hogarth

A Profile of Consumers with
High-Rate Home Loans
, is a Program Manager in the Division of Consumer
and Community Affairs at the Federal Reserve Board. Her recent projects there
include research and outreach initiatives on consumers’ use of banking services
(focusing on lower income households, the “unbanked,” and adoption of electronic
banking services), consumer protection strategies (focusing on predatory lending,
credit and leasing products and consumer privacy issues), and consumer complaining
behaviors. She holds a BS from Bowling Green State University and MS and
PhD degrees from The Ohio State University.

Shawn D. Howton

The Role of Exchange Listing
in the Initial and Aftermarket Performance of IPOs
, is an Assistant Professor
of Finance at Villanova University. Shawn received his PhD in finance from
Florida State University in 1996. He received a B.S. and MBA from Southern
Illinois University. He has published articles in journals such as

Financial Management
, the
Journal of
, and the
of Financial Research
. He has presented papers at the Financial Management
Association, Eastern Finance Association and Southern Finance Association
annual meetings. His current research interests include the effects of
corporate control on firm performance, capital structure, and Real Estate
Investment Trust performance.

Shelly W. Howton

The Role of Exchange Listing
in the Initial and Aftermarket Performance of IPOs
, is an Assistant Professor
in the Department of Finance at Villanova University in Villanova, PA.
She received her PhD in Finance from Florida State University in 1996.
She has published articles in various finance journals including

Financial Management

Financial Review
of Financial Research
, and

Real Estate Economics
. Her current research focus is on security
offerings and corporate governance issues.

Joseph E. Kotel,
A Survey of Investment Literacy among Online Investors
, is a Staff
Accountant at Falcon Transport Co., Youngstown, OH. He received both his
MBA (Finance) and BS/BA (Accounting) from Youngstown State University, Youngstown,
OH in 2001 and 1999, respectively. He is CPA Exam certified, and has performed
numerous consulting engagements in the areas of strategic management and
information systems.

Gerard T. Olson

The Role of Exchange Listing
in the Initial and Aftermarket Performance of IPOs
, is an Associate Professor
of Finance at Villanova University. Gerard received his PhD in Finance
from Drexel Univeristy in 1988. He received a BA degree in Economics and
Education, and an MBA with a concentration in Finance from LaSalle University
and received an MA in Economics with a theory area of Macroeconomics and
an applied area of Econometrics from Temple University. Gerard has authored
four books on Corporate Restructuring and Corporate Growth and has published
articles in journals such as

Financial Review
of Financial Research
in Mathematical Programming and Financing Planning
, and

Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
. Gerard
has presented papers at the Financial Management Association, Eastern Finance
Association, Southern Finance Association, MidWest Finance Association,
and Decision Sciences Institute annual meetings. Gerard has prepared reports
and testified in federal and state courts as an expert witness in the areas
of forensic economics, finance, and statistical analysis.

Deanna L. Sharpe

The Impact of Debt Levels
on Participation in and Level of Discretionary Retirement Savings
, is
an Associate Professor in the
Consumer and Family Economics Department

at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She received her PhD from Iowa
State University and is a Certified Financial Plannerâ„¢. Her research interests
focus on labor force participation issues, expenditure patterns in the United
States and other countries, and achieving financial security in later life.

Ronald P. Volpe

A Survey of Investment Literacy
Among Online Investors
, is a Professor of Finance in the Warren P. Williamson
College of Business Administration at Youngstown State University in Youngstown,
Ohio. He is a Certified Financial Plannerâ„¢ and serves on the Board of Directors
of First Place Financial Corporation and First Place Bank, a $1.6 billion
thrift institution headquartered in Warren, Ohio. In 2002 he was a visiting
professor at the University of Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo, Brazil lecturing on
the topic of “Financing Corporate America in a Period of Irrational Exuberance.”
In 2001 he received a Youngstown State University Distinguished Professorship
Award for Public Service. His current research interests include the financial
literacy and education of youth, college students, and adult investors.
He earned his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh.

Robert (Rob) O. Weagley

Higher Education Borrowing
, is an Associate Professor and Department Chair of the
Department of Consumer and Family Economics

at the University of Missouri – Columbia (UMC). Rob is

a Certified Financial Plannerâ„¢

and also a registered investment advisor with Sundvold Capital Management,
), an asset management and retirement plan specialty firm. Originally from
Liberty, MO, he completed both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the
University of Missouri-Columbia. His PhD was received from Cornell University
in 1985. His research focuses on the areas of household investment and
insurance management, with a current focus on the economics of educational
funding. He is a member of the editorial boards of Financial Counseling
and Planning and the
of Family and Economic Issues
. He is Chair of the UMC Chancellor’s
Resource Advisory Council, a member of the Chancellor’s Strategic Planning
Advisory Committee, the UMC Service Learning Advisory Committee, and the
UMC Intercollegiate Athletics Strategic Planning Committee. He is Past-President
of the University-YMCA and Past-Chair of Faculty Council.

Piotr Zielonka,
How Financial Analysts Perceive Macroeconomic, Political News and Technical
Analysis Signals
, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social
Sciences at the Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management,
Poland. He earned his PhD in the Department of Physics from Warsaw University
SGGW. Then he completed four year studies in the Graduate School for Social
Research sponsored by the George Soros Foundation. His present research
deals with behavioral finance and risk management.