The Ohio State University

Contents of 1992 issue of Financial Counseling and Planning Journal

Counseling and Planning Journal

The Journal of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning

 Volume 3, 1992

Table of Contents

Budgeting Practices Over the Life Cycle

Elizabeth P. Davis and
Ruth A. Carr

Cash Flow Management of Low-income Newlyweds

Deborah D. Godwin and Joan C. Koonce

Determinants of Satisfaction with Preparations
for Financial Emergencies

Tahira K. Hira, Alyce M. Fanslow and Renate Vogelsang

The Relative Benefits of Making a Higher Down
Payment or Paying Points for a Lower Interest Rate

Michael L. Walden

An Evaluation of Expert Systems for Personal
Financial Planning

Mary E. Phillips, Norma L. Nielson, and Carol E.

A Model of Credit Use and Financial Satisfaction

Jean M. Lown and In-Sook Ju

Optimal Credit Use With Uncertain Income

Jessie Fan, Y. Regina Chang, and Sherman Hanna

The Cost of the Support of College Students as
Affected by Their Choice of Public or Private School and Residence

Charlotte V. Churaman