The Ohio State University

Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Proceedings

Association for Financial Counseling and Planning
Proceedings, 1983-1998

Some years to be added later



Now, available — much cited Personal
Financial Statement Analysis: A Modest Beginning
by Griffith.


Below are tables of contents of past proceedings. Please do not rely
on this list for citations
, as there may be some errors. 

1983. Provo, Utah. Theme: Enhancing Career Competency Through Education

1984. Ames, Iowa. Theme: Financial Counseling Consortium

1985. Anaheim, California. Theme: Financial Planning and Counseling:
A Career Frontier.

1986. Chicago, Illinois. Theme: Quality Control in an Emerging Profession.

1987. Atlanta, Georgia. Theme: Accenting Our Focus on Competency: Professional

1988. Lubbock, Texas. Theme: Families and Finances: Agenda for the

1989. Ypsilanti, Michigan. Theme: Personal Finances in the 90’s: Implications
for Professionalism.

1990. Columbia, Maryland. Theme: Many Perspectives Coming Together.

1991. Kansas City, Missouri. Theme: Financial Challenges for the Twenty-First

1992. Charleston, South Carolina. Theme: Mind and Money: The Quest
for Financial Control and Stability.

1993. San Antonio, Texas. Theme: Challenges for Financial Counseling
and Planning Professionals.

1995. New Orleans, Louisiana. Theme: Financial Empowerment: Financial
Counseling and Planning Across the Life Cycle.

1996. Theme: Financial Synergy: The Psychological and Technological
Aspects of Counseling and Planning

1997. San Diego, California. Theme: Perspectives on a Changing Financial

1998. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Theme: Theme: Securing Your Financial

1999. Scottsdale, Arizona. Theme: Financial Counseling for All the Rainbow’s

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