Blueprint Drawing & Reflection

Glove Coat

Tie Template

Click Kicks

Slap-on Hair Tie

Tie Template Variation

Ring Thing – 2 design concepts




New Concepts/Variations:

• Nail Pal – automated light when you put in nail polish (utilize inner space)

• Tie Template – tie storage within tie template and ability to lay it down (utilize inner space and change direction of access); multiple knots on one board

• Ring Thing – make it accessible from the top or side (change direction of access)

• Click Kicks – shoe comes together when the sole is stepped on (incorporate user input); use recycled materials for the sole

• Slap On Hair Tie – ability to add different covers prior to slapping (cover or wrap)


The concept ideation for our team went fairly smooth with the exception of a few hiccups.  We had a strong base of ideas, but we had to edit and remove several based on our ability to prototype and what would benefit one-handed individuals most.  Consolidating our prototype ideas to a realistic number took a lot of thought and collaboration, as we had so many good candidates to chose from. In addition to this challenge, we found it difficult to decide what types of variations would be best for each of our concepts.  At times, we felt we were making variations because we were required to, rather than because we felt our ideas needed improvement; it took some thinking outside of the box (and some humility) to better our ideas, however there were several truly interesting innovations that arose from the process.  Many of the innovations that we made to our concepts stemmed from the card activity we did class, and our group felt that that activity was a good way to generate ideas that we had not previously thought of.  Our team feels confident with our final concepts- we feel that they are both feasible to manufacture and useful for everyday life tasks that a one-handed individual may struggle to complete independently.

Our biggest concern moving forward is how to create a physical prototype for each of our concepts.  Many of our ideas should be relatively feasible to prototype, but we think some may present an extra challenge. We are also on the lookout for other unforeseen problems and changes that might occur outside of the ones we considered throughout our design process.  Overall, we feel that our group is in a good position, and we think that we will be able to bring our concepts to a physical level.