Team Updates

March 2024

Alison Dietsch awarded University Fellowship.

Deondray Radford and Holden DeVassie present at the Denman Undergraduate Research forum. Deondray Radford receives Secondary Data Core award for his poster.







November 2023

Daniel Gilmore awarded the Presidential Fellowship, the most prestigious award provided to doctoral students at The Ohio State University.

October 2023

Daniel Gilmore awarded Alumni Grant for Graduate Research and Fellowship.

April 2023

Alexandra Coyne wins 2nd place in Health Sciences at the Denman Undergraduate Research forum and is featured in The Lantern. Read the article here.





November 2022

Deondray Radford presents at the OSU Autumn Undergraduate Research Festival.








April 2022

Anne Longo and Morgan Krantz present at the OSU Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. Anne Longo received an Honorable Mention in the Public Health category.

Photo of Morgan Krantz facing the camera, standing next to her research poster titled "Mortality Risk Among Medicare-Enrolled Autistic Adults" Photo of Anne Longo facing the camera, standing next to her research poster titled "The impact of social and news media coverage on the dissemination of autism research"








May 2021

Dan Gilmore Awarded Outstanding MS Student in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 

April 2020

Lauren Harris awarded 2nd place in “Health Promotion” category at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum