A Year in Review

Since coming to Ohio State, I feel like I have grown significantly as a person. College has expanded my horizons and exposed me to all types of people that I never would have known or been friends with at my high school. I am grateful to be in the Health Sciences Scholars program because I have been able to surround myself with high-achieving friends who make me strive to do the best I possibly can–both in the classroom and out. College is different from what I expected, and autumn semester was definitely a bigger transition than I thought it would be. This past year has been full of amazing experiences, such as participating in Buckeyethon, going to various sporting events, joining Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, and working my way up to the executive board of Ohio Health Aid. Through trial and error, I have improved my studying habits and learned how to study for college-level classes. I am very thankful to be at Ohio State, and next year I hope to do well in my classes and continue to stay involved in clubs.


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