Hamilton County 4-H has been part of youth education for more than a century. Through community clubs, camps, in-school and after-school activities, and summer programs, 4-H creates fun through learning. Children and teens increase their self- confidence and personal life skills while learning about specific subjects from animals to computers, from public speaking to cooking, and from art and gardening to environmental sciences. With area youth participating in traditional clubs and students engaged in their classrooms through 4-H Agri-Science in the City, Hamilton County 4-H has impact on the lives of youth from all walks of life.
Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Nancy and Colonel David Bull, we have the opportunity to enhance this impact on the 4-H program for generations of youth to come through the establishment of an endowment to be used exclusively for 4-H programming in Hamilton County. Nancy and David Bull have a deep sense of the community of philanthropy. They would like to leverage their gift of $50,000, half the amount needed to fund the $100,000 endowment, as a challenge gift to other donors who are interested in establishing support of Hamilton County 4-H. Their gift will match dollar-for- dollar to the first $50,000 raised to establish the Hamilton County 4-H Endowment.
Establishing an endowment for Hamilton County will ensure the long-term success and growth of the 4-H program. The endowment will exist in perpetuity, and it will be used to support 4-H programming, scholarships and camperships, and the growth of 4-H in Hamilton County.
By making your gift or pledge, know that you will double the impact of your philanthropy through this challenge grant campaign. Your generosity, hand-in-hand with the generosity of Dr. and Colonel Bull, will support programming for youth in Hamilton County for generations.
For more information, contact Pablo Villa at 614-247-7344 orĀ