Partner Spotlight: Rothenberg Rooftop School Garden

For years, 4-H has been partnering with the Rothenberg Rooftop School Garden. Through curriculum support, volunteering, and membership on their board of directors, it’s been a privilege to work with this amazing space and even more amazing people.

Located in Over-the-Rhine at Rothenberg Preparatory Academy, the Rothenberg Rooftop School Garden was a vision supported by the community. Through the hard work of a greater Cincinnati leader, Pope Coleman, the funds were raised and the roof of the school renovated to be an ADA accessible garden space. Bryna Bass and Julie Singer serve as the program staff who care for the garden and educate the students. Through thoughtful and creative curriculum the students at Rothenberg gain experiences that are not typically found in an urban environment.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to visit the garden in action Julie Singer is always looking for volunteers. For information on volunteering visit:

If you’re looking for a chance to just visit the garden, you’re in luck. Their annual fundraiser is coming up, and at $35 a ticket, it’s a steal to visit the most interesting, successful and beautiful school garden, on a rooftop in Cincinnati. To get your tickets visit:


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