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Served as 24th President of INFORMS in 2018. The 12,500-member scientific and professional society is the leading source of research and innovation in business analytics.

  • Represented INFORMS at the national operations research society meetings of China (Chongqing), India (Mumbai), Israel (Be’er Sheva) and Italy (Taormina), and at the INFORMS International Conference in Taiwan (Taipei).
  • Initiated a Government Advocacy Program, including a Policy Summit event on Capitol Hill, led delegations to The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the offices of House Majority Whip (Rep. Scalise) and House Minority Leader (Rep. Pelosi). This initiative resulted in 250 Capitol Hill briefings, 85 Federal Agency briefings, 53 Think Tank brifings, 5 White House briefings, and 4 legislative actions.
  • Recognized for “tireless dedication to the field of operations research and analytics”, by the flying of a flag over the U.S. Capitol on October 30, 2018.

Editorial Appointments

  • Editor, INFORMS Analytics Collections, January 2021 – December 2023. This publication is INFORMS’ multimedia journal which publishes collections of academic research and practice literature from a wide variety of sources on topical issues.
  • Associate Editor, Operations Research, May 1991 -. Processed 145 submitted papers. Winner of five Meritorious Service awards.
  • Associate Editor, Management Science, November 1993 – December 2008. Processed 60 submitted papers.
  • Member, Editorial Board, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, December 2002 – December 2006. Processed 4 submitted papers.
  • Associate Editor, IIE Transactions, May 1994 – December 2000. Processed 15 submitted papers.
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Scheduling, June 2000 – December 2004. Processed 9 submitted papers.

Professional Service

  • Treasurer, INFORMS, January 2011 – December 2014. Replaced the long-term investment managers; developed a cost-based annual budgeting system; reported four years of financial surplus with a total surplus of $1.8m.
  • Vice President for Membership and Professional Recognition, INFORMS, January 2001 – December 2003. Responsible for liaison between the Board of Directors and the 11 professional awards committees.
  • President, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society, 1999 – 2000. The professional and scientific society has over 1.000 members.
  • Statewide University Representative, State of Ohio Steel Industry Advisory Council, 1997 – 2002. The Council organizes and sponsors educational activities to support the steel industry throughout the State. Served as the academic representative of the State of Ohio, along with two state legislators and 10 senior steel industry executives. Managed an annual budget of $175,000 provided by public and steel industry sources. Worked with a public relations firm to develop an Ohio Steel Council website that receives over 1 million hits annually.
  • Advisor, National Science Foundation Minority Support Program, 2007 – 2008.
  • Organizer of 21 national conference clusters including 195 conference sessions and 895 speaker presentations.
  • Organizer of 52 national conference sessions including 248 speaker presentations.
  • Member of 13 National Science Foundation Peer Review Panels.
  • Member of 4 INFORMS Student Colloquia Panels.
  • Member of 2 international conference program committees (INFORMS International, Beijing, China, 2012; POMS International, Tokyo, Japan, 2008).
  • Referee of 160 papers submitted to leading academic journals.

University Service (O.S.U.)

  • Elected member, University Senate, 2004-2008.
  • Member of University Research and Graduate Council, 2001-2005. The Committee sets policy on research and graduate study for the Graduate School.
  • Member of University Faculty Hearing Committee, 1996–2001. The Committee hears appeals of tenure and promotion denial cases, as well as discussion of tenure removal cases.
  • Member of University Committee on Academic Misconduct, 1992–96. Chairman, 1994–95. The Committee of 32 faculty and students adjudicates on approximately 300 cases of alleged academic misconduct each year. As Chairman, developed an outreach program to educate faculty and students University-wide about academic misconduct issues and procedures.

University Service (Fisher College of Business)

  • Inaugurated Fisher Project Management Association, May 2018. The professional interest club serves graduate students at Fisher. Served as Faculty Advisor (2018-19).
  • Member of College of Business Faculty Investigations Committee, 2001-08.
  • Chairman of College of Business Teaching Committee, 1991-97. Author of “Evaluation and Development of Teaching in the College of Business”, 10 pages. This document describes a new process, including questionnaire forms, officially adopted in 1992 for teaching evaluation and development within the College.
  • Member of MBA Program Continuous Improvement Subcommittee, 1996-98. Drafted a set of guidelines and procedures by which continuous program improvement could be implemented and evaluated. Developed a detailed proposal for in-class peer visitation and review, which is now used for teaching development.
  • Member of Engineering Management Task Force, 2000-02. Represented the Fisher College of Business on a task force which developed a proposal for an engineering management specialization available to Masters students in both engineering and business colleges. The proposal received Graduate School approval in June 2002, and became the Masters of Business and Logistics Engineering Program.
  • Member of College of Business Research Committee, 1988-89, 1992-93.
  • Member of College of Business M.B.A. Program Policy Committee, 1989–90, 2016–2018.
  • Member of College of Business Undergraduate Program Policy Committee, 1989–90, 2016–2018.
  • Member of College of Business Ph.D. Program Policy Committee, 1987–88.


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