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Nicholas G. Hall is Berry Family Professor of Operations Management, in the Department of Operations and Business Analytics, at the Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. He also holds a courtesy Professorship in the Department of Integrated Systems Engineering at O.S.U.

His research interests include scheduling, project management, behavioral issues in operations, tournament design for sports, and applications of operations research. He is the author of 98 refereed publications in the leading scientific and professional journals in the fields of operations research and operations management, including: Operations ResearchManagement ScienceMathematics of Operations ResearchGames and Economic BehaviorMathematical ProgrammingManufacturing & Service Operations ManagementINFORMS Journal on ComputingProduction and Operations Management, and INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics. A 2021 bibliometric study published in Operations Research ranked him as 1st in the research field of scheduling. He is an author (with Z.-L. Chen) of the 2022 book Supply Chain Scheduling (706 pages, Springer). He has a Google Scholar citation count of more than 7,200 and an h-index of 38. He has given 423 academic presentations in 29 countries, including 201 invited presentations, 20 conference keynote presentations and 10 INFORMS national conference tutorials.

He teaches graduate (MBA) courses in project management and in sports analytics, and specialized short courses on both topics for Executive Education programs. The award-winning graduate project management course which he developed has been used by 25 universities in 9 countries.

He is a former (2018) President of INFORMS, the leading academic and professional society for research on business analytics, with 12,500 members. In this role, he initiated an advocacy program for operations research to the U.S. Government, and led delegations to The White House and the offices of the leaders of both Congressional parties.

Currently, he serves as Editor of INFORMS Analytics Collections and (since 1991) Associate Editor of Operations Research.

In 2021, he was elected as a Fellow of INFORMS.