Year in Review

Overall, 2018 was a year of tremendous change and growth. Transitioning to college in a new city was challenging but forced me to grow and live more intentionally. I learned the importance of allocating my time to what matters, investing in relationships, and setting aside time for reflection. Time is our most valuable asset, and with seemingly infinite opportunities at a big school like Ohio State, I realized it was imperative to think critically about how to make the most of my time here. Additionally, our university is incredibly diverse, which allowed me to make friends from lots of different backgrounds. I saw how important it is to understand other perspectives and to embrace a global mindset to see beauty in different cultures. Finally, I decided to make sure to make time for reflection and prayer. It is easy to get caught up in daily routine, but I saw how taking time to examine my decisions and just being grateful can provide escape from monotony. All in all, this year was amazing and I am seeking to make 2019 even greater.