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Spending a few days in Colorado was a great opportunity to break out of normal routine. I got to catch up with old friends, connect with nature, and spend time just living without having to stress. I find that often times when I am overwhelmed it can be therapeutic to spend time in nature and reflect on the grandeur of the earth we live in. When contemplating the vastness of the universe, the minor inconveniences of everyday life seem quite insignificant. Although this outlook often gets lost in the hustle of day to day activities, I find it important to maintain perspective of what is important and that has helped me live a more purpose driven life.

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Athletics have always been a huge part of my life. I played basketball and soccer from a young age and those experiences have shaped my attitude towards life as a competitor and in my work ethic in general. Although I love competing, looking back at my high school career I realize that what I appreciate most out of those opportunities is the relationships I was able to build. I strongly believe that you are, in large part, a product of those with whom you surround yourself. My teammates were individuals that invested into me as a person and sought to push me to be the best version of myself possible, on and off the field. As an upperclassmen, I was blessed with the opportunity to invest in the growth of underclassmen, as my mentors had done for me. Relationships are one of the most important aspects of my life, and I think that they are the greatest catalyst for growth.

Year in Review

Overall, 2018 was a year of tremendous change and growth. Transitioning to college in a new city was challenging but forced me to grow and live more intentionally. I learned the importance of allocating my time to what matters, investing in relationships, and setting aside time for reflection. Time is our most valuable asset, and with seemingly infinite opportunities at a big school like Ohio State, I realized it was imperative to think critically about how to make the most of my time here. Additionally, our university is incredibly diverse, which allowed me to make friends from lots of different backgrounds. I saw how important it is to understand other perspectives and to embrace a global mindset to see beauty in different cultures. Finally, I decided to make sure to make time for reflection and prayer. It is easy to get caught up in daily routine, but I saw how taking time to examine my decisions and just being grateful can provide escape from monotony. All in all, this year was amazing and I am seeking to make 2019 even greater.



  • Global Awareness: Last summer, I had the opportunity to work on a consulting project for a social enterprise, called Aatmiya, in Kathmandu, Nepal. This was an incredible experience which pushed me out of my comfort zone, helped me develop my professional skills, and gave me the opportunity to explore and appreciate a new culture. Outside of my project scope, I really enjoyed learning about religion in Nepal and philosophies that guide them. I hope to spend time abroad again in college, specifically in a Spanish speaking country to develop my language skills.
  • Original Inquiry: I am currently exploring research opportunities at Ohio State and I am excited and intrigued by philosophy and neuroscience.
  • Academic Enrichment: Outside of my Finance major, I enjoy taking classes in Spanish and Philosophy, both because I find the subject matter fascinating, and because I believe they give tangible skills and enrich the way I think and view the world. I also enjoy learning from podcasts surrounding philosophy, personal development, and tedtalks.
  • Leadership Development: I have taken two leadership roles within my three main involvements on campus. I am currently the service director for my professional business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, and the Leadership Training Committee Chair for my scholars program, the Mount Leadership Society Scholars. I have set a goal to also apply for a leadership position in my other involvement, Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations, next semester.
  • Service Engagement: As the service director of my fraternity, I have the opportunity to lead two service trips, multiple community outreach events with our local partners, and several fundraisers and drives. I have also just applied to be a Crisis Text Line Counselor because I am passionate about mental health and want to serve as a resource for those that need help,


Hudson Hall Resume



Sales Planning Analyst Intern

Wild Republic

Jun 2019 – Aug 2019

• Developed a heat map to analyze and improve product locations to maximize warehouse efficiency
• Implemented a replenishment system based on minimum and maximum product quantities in warehouse bins

Global Consultant

The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business

May 2019

Kathmandu, Nepal

• Consulted for Aatmiya, a Nonprofit located in Nepal that employs and empowers women artisans.
• Addressed a wide scope that included: new client outreach, trade show preparation, marketing material development, and fundraising


Embracing the unknown…

Why do we fear what we can’t control? Although college is supposed to be a time of immense personal growth, it can be daunting to dive into new experiences blindly. Like most freshmen, I approached my first semester with tremendous excitement but also with a fear of the unknown before me. However, my experiences thus far have taught me that often times it’s the unknown opportunities that become the most life changing. I decided to apply to my scholars program and rush a business fraternity on a whim, and I can honestly say that those two organizations push me to be the best version of myself everyday. Being willing to form new friendships has connected me with people of different backgrounds and ideologies which has given me fresh perspective and understanding of differing worldviews.

This picture was taken during my time studying in Spain this summer. My friends and I took a weekend trip to Sagres, Portugal to see a place dubbed “the end of the world” prior to Columbus’ discovery of the “new world”. Peering out over the vast water, I could only imagine the unease that Columbus and his crew felt as they set off on an exploration that many believed to be impossible. Instead of fearing the unknown, those men plunged into an adventure that would eventually shape the world as we know it today. I want to challenge myself to continue to seek unknown opportunities, because I believe that those are the experiences that foster the deepest growth.

About Me

My name is Hudson Hall and I am a freshman studying Finance and Spanish. I am from Akron, Ohio and attended high school at Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy where I played soccer and basketball. I am currently involved in the Mount Leadership Society, but I hope to also study abroad, get involved in business, sports, and service clubs, and meet lots of new people during my time at The Ohio State University. Ultimately, I hope to one day work in international non-profit business in some capacity.