This is the final Business Model Canvas (BMC) for my Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Class’ group project. We were instructed to create the outlines of a business and then pitch it to the class as well as to a panel of judges. As a group, we worked together to work out the details of a potential 3D printing shop that would provide the general public access to 3D printing technology as well as an enjoyable learning experience. I personally created a survey to test some of our assumptions and found out that not many people had considered going to a mall for a learning experience, so we would be creating a new revenue stream for that. We also discovered that not many people knew much about 3D printing but were definitely interested in creating cool and fun customizable items and gifts. In general, this project allowed me to learn a lot about how to create the blueprint of a business, and how to apply the things I learned in the class to real-world situations.