Strategic planning is an important skill for effective leadership. Logic models are useful tools for strategic planning, particularly related to program development.
Logic models are visual blueprints for change. Logic models can be used “during [program] planning to:
- clarify program strategy
- identify appropriate outcome targets (and avoid over-promising)
- align your efforts with those of other organizations
- write a grant proposal or a request for proposals
- assess the potential effectiveness of an approach
- set priorities for allocating resources
- estimate timelines
- identify necessary partnerships
- negotiate roles and responsibilities
- focus discussions and make planning time more efficient” (Center for Community Health and Development, n.d.).
To learn more about logic models, click here.
Center for Community Health and Development. (n.d.). Chapter 2, Section 1: Developing a logic model or theory of change. University of Kansas. Retrieved July 28, 2021, from the Community Tool Box: