Plants of the Olentangy River Area

Introduction to the site

My site is the Olentangy river along OSU’s campus, the area of my site can be seen on the map below.

The Olentangy river is a tributary that drains out of the Scioto river. It often has steep shale banks and varies between gentle hills and relatively level landscape. There are some problems with development along the river but it still has a large diversity of plants and animals living along it (Olentangy Scenic River, n.d.). Many plants that prefer moist areas grow along the banks, such as sycamore, willows, and the invasive honeysuckle. In my site there are also a diverse range of animals, though mostly urban ones like deer, raccoons, squirrels, chickadees, and rabbits. It has areas of denser forest cover that doesn’t allow as much light to shine through as well as areas with scattered trees that allow for the growth of herbaceous plants.

poison ivy:

poison ivy can be identified by its trifoliate leaves that have leaflets sometimes shaped like mittens. It also is a vining plant that has small roots to help it climb, giving it a hairy appearance. It can also have small white or green (when they’re young) berries that help to distinguish it from other vining plants. One important feature of poison ivy is that it has alternately arranged leaves which distinguishes it from young box elder trees.

new plants

The first new tree I found was the white mulberry tree (Morus alba), there were a bunch of them growing along the top of a bank. The white mulberry is an invasive tree with a coefficient of conservation of zero. This plant was brought over by early settlers who wanted to use it for their silkworm farms. This tree provides food and habitat space for bids and small mammals, and in turn they spread the seeds allowing this plant to spread far and wide (White Mulberry, n.d.).


The second new tree I found is staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina). This one was also found along the upper part of the river bank. This tree has a coefficient of conservation of 2, meaning it is a fairly common tree. It is often the first to colonize abandoned agricultural sites and prairies, as it can send up suckers from the roots to create large colonies. The fruit and branches of this tree are covered in dense hairs, leading to the branches often resembling the horns of a young stag (Arboretum, n.d.). The fruits of various sumacs have been used in cuisine in the Mediterranean, Africa, Asia, and North America (albeit not that popularly in the US). It possesses a tangy, slightly sour, slightly sweet taste that goes good in all kinds of food and drink (Martins, 2022).


The first new shrub or woody vine that I found was the false indigo bush (Amorpha fruticosa) which has a coefficient of conservation of 3. It’s a fairly common plant and I found it in a slightly wooded area a bit farther from the river. This plant is native to the Midwest and usually grows to be around 6-12 feet tall. False indigo is edible and has been used as an antiseptic, anti-catarrhal, to stop vomiting, laryngitis, tonsillitis, to treat mouth ulcers, and much more. It is also believed to repel flies if planted near fields. The flowers were also used to create blue dyes, which is why the plant was given the name false indigo (FALSE INDIGO, n.d.).



The second shrub or woody vine I found is one known as Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). This plant has a conservation coefficient of 2 and is often found growing on trees, walls, and fences. It is often used as an ornamental plant or for erosion control. While the berries are poisonous to humans the bark has been used to make a tonic and remedy for dropsy. This plant prefers moist, well-drained soils but can grow in much dryer conditions (VIRGINIA CREEPER Parthenocissus Quinquefolia, n.d.).





The first flower I found is creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense). It was spotted along the higher part of the river bank and has a coefficient of conservation of zero. This is a quick spreading invasive plant that has been known to have medicinal uses. The roots can be chewed on to aid in toothache, they can also be enjoyed in cuisine. The stems are often peeled and cooked, and the leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, though the prickles need to be removed first (Cirsium Arvense Creeping Thistle, n.d.). The seeds of the creeping thistle are often eaten by goldfinches, linnets, and other birds (Creeping Thistle | the Wildlife Trusts, n.d.).


hairy white oldfield aster or awl aster (Aster pilosus) is a flowering plant with a conservation coefficient of 1. This aster has stems that are covered in fuzzy white hairs, giving it its name. Both the ray and disk flowers of this plant are fertile, and produce seeds. These flowers are an important source of pollen and nectar for fall insects. These flowers also can often be found growing on disturbed ground and moist woodlands (ANPS, 2016).




invasive plants



Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) is a plant native to China, Japan, and Korea. It was brought over to be used as root stock in horticulture and as an ornamental plant. It was also used as erosion control and a natural barrier to farm animals. This plant has no natural predators in the US and so it is able to out compete many of the plants around it for resources. Multiflora rose is also a quick spreader and is able to overtake areas quickly. Control methods for this plant include the use of herbicides and mowing. Not allowing this plant to create seeds is a big part of preventing the spread. (Wenning, 2012).



Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a deciduous tree native to China and has a foul odor that has been described as stale peanut butter or fake cheese. It was brought over as a horticultural specimen and spread rapidly since. The tree of heaven possesses a toxin that it secretes into soil and kills the plants around it. This feature combined with its abundant seed production allows this plant to out compete and crowd out native species. The most effective way to prevent the spread of this tree is by pulling up seedlings before the taproot develops. Cutting back this tree slows the spread but will not prevent it. Additionally, herbicides can be used to kill the tree and prevent it from spreading (The Nature Conservancy, 2020).



Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maacki) is a shade-tolerant bush that invades forest ecosystems, fields, prairies, and other open habitats. This plant is highly attractive to birds, allowing them to have their seeds spread far and wide. The plants are quick growing and fast spreading, allowing them to crowd out native plants. Birds that nest in them also have a higher rate of nest predation. Methods of control include prescribed burning, hand removal, repeated mowing, and the use of herbicides (INVASIVE PLANTS of OHIO, n.d.).




Canada thistle/creeping thistle is an invasive plant native to eastern and northern Europe and western Asia. It grows in fens, meadows, prairies, fields, disturbed upland areas, stream banks, and more. It produces abundant seeds that can be easily dispersed by the wind, allowing for rapid spread of the plant. Additionally, the plant can regenerate from root fragments smaller than an inch which makes it incredibly hard to get rid of. Some methods of control involve killing the entire plant to prevent regrowth. This entails careful pulling of the plant or use of systemic herbicides (INVASIVE PLANTS of OHIO, n.d.).



woody plant fruit identification from fruit



The fruit of the honey vine climbing milkweed (Cynanchum laeve) is a distinctive looking follicle containing an abundance of fuzzy seeds. These pods are characteristic of the milkweed family, though the pods of honey vine climbing milkweed often stay green or yellow even after they dry. Additionally, the follicles of the honey vine climbing milkweed are smooth in feel.





The fruits of the northern caltalpa (Catalpa speciosa) tree are long green legumes  that brown as they dry. These fruits can be distinguished by the fact that they’re round and often between 12 and 22 inches in length.



The black walnut tree (Juglans nigra) can be identified as a walnut tree by its pungent and distinct smelling drupes. It can be told apart from a white walnut by whether the fruits are round (black walnut) or ovate (white walnut)




The fruits of the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) are samaras that can look green, red, or brown, It is distinguishable by the twisty samaras with a darker circle in the middle where the seed is. Either end of the samara tends to be rounded as opposed to pointed.



mosses and lichens

The first moss that I found was on a dark soil near my house, I believe it to be Bryum caespiticium based on the leaf shape and arrangement. The leaves of this moss were non-papillose and single celled in thickness. The second moss that I found was among twigs and leaf litter, and I identified it as Calliergonella lindbergii due to the leaf shape and arrangement as well as the fact that the leaves are slightly curled at the ends.


I found a few lichens grouped together on the first tree I looked at, and I was able to identify a starry rosette lichen (Physcia stellaris) by its grayish green color and black Apothecia disks. In the second picture is of a lichen I found and believe to be a gold dust lichen (Chrysothrix candelaris), a crust lichen that is a bright yellow-green to yellow-orange color.



ANPS, W. (2016, November 3). Know Your Natives – White Oldfield Aster. Arkansas Native Plant Society.

Arboretum, C. (n.d.). Staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) – Carleton College. Retrieved October 7, 2023, from

Cirsium arvense Creeping Thistle, Canada thistle PFAF Plant Database. (n.d.).

Creeping thistle | The Wildlife Trusts. (n.d.).

FALSE INDIGO. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2023, from


Martins, S. (2022, February 28). Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sumac. Eater.

Olentangy Scenic River. (n.d.). Ohio Department of Natural Resources; ODNR.

The Nature Conservancy. (2020, July 6). Journey with Nature: Tree of Heaven. The Nature Conservancy.–tree-of-heaven/

VIRGINIA CREEPER Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. Plant Symbol = PAQU2. (n.d.).

Wenning, B. (2012, July 16). Multiflora Rose: An Exotic Invasive Plant Fact Sheet – Ecological Landscape Alliance. Ecological Landscape Alliance.

White Mulberry. (n.d.). Missouri Department of Conservation. Retrieved October 7, 2023, from