
As I prepared to move to college, one of my biggest hopes was to broaden my perspective of the world around me. This was hard to do in my hometown, as the overwhelming majority of people in my high school were white. However, one of the reasons I chose to be in honors at Ohio State is that I knew I would be challenged by other points of view. This is done through meeting those who come from different backgrounds and, and by talking to them I can understand why they may think differently from me. Additionally, I plan on studying abroad with hopes to experience different cultures firsthand. Through this, I hope to increase my global awareness.

Additionally, given Ohio State’s reputation as one of the best research universities in the country, I know that original inquiry will not be hard to fulfill. With so many corporations in downtown Columbus, I hope to intern at one eventually in order to get workplace experience and possibly get a head start on making a career for myself. Or perhaps I will do research in one of the medical departments, where I will get exposure to the cutting edge of medicine, so that I can develop the skills necessary to be a successful and helpful medical professional.

All throughout high school I took a challenging course load because I knew it would help me immensely in getting into the schools I wanted. However, now that I am here that does not mean I can discontinue taking on a challenging curriculum. In fact, access to challenging courses is one of the reasons I chose to come here. I understand the importance of not only having an impressive track record of courses to employers and graduate schools, but of also knowing how to overcome whatever difficulties may face me in the future.

Likewise, with over 1000 student organizations, developing as a leader will not be difficult. Currently, I am in running club, where I hope to be an officer eventually. Additionally, I plan on being a teaching assistant, which will allow me to develop – of course – my teaching skills, which are essential to being a good leader. They will enable me to lead those I am in charge of and hopefully enable them to become better leaders.

Finally, I plan on being very active in the Columbus community. Already I am part of a team for Buckeyethon and will do my share in raising money for pediatric cancer. Likewise, I hope to join Ohio Staters so that I may engage in service projects across campus.

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