Photo Reflection

The first job recommend for me is Design Director, Interior Design. The median salary of this job is 91,400$. It has a very high rate of job satisfaction, job meaning with relatively low job stress. Also, 76% of designer are women. The second job recommend for me is Design Project Manager. Also, this is a job with high rate of satisfaction ,job meaning and low job stress. But the salary is lower than the salary of the first one. The average salary is 55,900$

For the first job, I tend to be understand it as a designer. I think designer is a very meaningful job. Great design could create beauty in the world and give people pleasure when they saw it. To be honest, although this job has a high salary with low stress, which is really attractive, I can not handle this job because I have no talent nor ability at designing. For designers, the most important is talent and inspirations r ather than high level of education. The experience does not matter a lot as long as designers have excellent work. In another words, no matter how long people have been in this job, their market worth will not increase. This
is a job without great future.

About the second one, The design project manager is responsible for all aspects of planning, budgeting, and execution for interior design projects in their organization. Comparing with designer, it is more like a manager job with some art design sense. Similar to the first job recommended, It is a high pleasure job with low stress. I would like to have job as a design manager because I can give designer some advise about their design, which I will really enjoying. I believe helping designer or consumer to get everything set up and organized is a kind of amusement.

Also I could improve myself in a lot of different way during working. Although the salary is nit insanely high. It is fair enough for me.
As a individual, I think the satisfaction played a very important role in work. If I get a job I cannot enjoy, I might not be last for a vary long time till I quite. In contrast, if I get a job which I am really enjoyed, but the salary is low. That is totally acceptable for me because I am doing the things i liked and I get paid. No matter how much the employer paid me I will be happy. I think people should not sell them to an unhappy job for just a little bit of money. Comparing to money, happiness is the truly priceless thing.

Lily’s profile


My name is Lily. I like furry little animals most, and I have two very cute cats in my home. When I was at home, I woke up, my cats was sleep near me . This is the happiest thing. My favorite place is the beach. Swimming in sea is a supreme enjoyment for me. But even if I just lie on the beach and enjoy the sun, it is a pleasure to feel the sea breeze blowing over the skin. I do not live near sea, but I often went to city close to ocean to have fun. I have gone to two “long beach” in united states. There are long beach in New york and long beach in LA. I feel like I prefer the beach in LA. Also watching the sunrise sunset is my favorite thing to do when I near ocean. But even I like ocean so bad, it is such a pity I cannot dive. I tried a few times, my ear hurts when I dived like 2 meter deep. My ear cannot handle the pressure. I always feel sad that I cannot dive. Because of this, I cannot enjoy the scenery under water.


I grew up in Guiyang, China, and went to another city called Shenzhen in my high school period. I have experienced different lifestyles in different cities. I also like to travel to different places. The most memorable one was the experience of going to an island in Taiwan. On the first night of my arrival on the island, the entire island was blacked out because the electricity was not working. So I admired the Milky Way in the dark night. This is a very romantic experience which I will never forget. Also I remember one time I went to Beijing with two of my best friend. We went shopping, went to carnival at valentine’s day. It was really fun to hanging out with my best friends. Even doing things suppose to be boring turns to be fun because of the people doing things with you.

I came to OSU because OSUis the largest university in the United States and has a variety of different types of students. I want to know more people, so I came here to study. The majorI am going to learn is data analysis. I am a very patient person who does things carefully, so I feel that I am very good at data analysis that requires patience and not allowing any mistake. This kind of thinking made me choose the profession of data analysis. Although data analysis is not a simple profession, I will do my best to learn this profession. I heard from my peer’s comments there is another interesting major names BDDA (Big Data & Analytics Association). I decided to know more about this major because it seems more like to be what I want to do in the future.

Lily’s Profile

My name is Lily. I like furry little animals most, and I have two very cute cats in my home.  I woke up with my cats sleeping near me ang this makes me really happy. My favorite place is the beach.Swimming in sea is a supreme enjoyment for me. But even if I just lay on the beach and enjoy the sun, it is a pleasure to feel the sea breeze blowing over the skin.

I grew up in Guiyang, China, and went to another city called Shenzhen in my high school period. I have experienced different lifestyles in different cities. I also like to travel to different places. The most memorable one was the experience of going to an island in Taiwan. On the first night of my arrival on the island, the entire island was blacked out because the electricity was not working. So I admired the Milky Way in the dark night. This is a very romantic experience which I will never forget.

I came to OSU because OSU is the largest university in the United States and has a variety of different types of students. I want to know more people, so I came here to study. The major I am going to learn is data analysis. I am a very patient person who does things carefully, so I feel that I am very good at data analysis that requires patience and not allowing any mistake. This kind of thinking made me choose the profession of data analysis. Although data analysis is not a simple profession, I will do my best to learn this profession.