

After my experiences in the STEM Exploration and Engagement scholars program this past academic year, I thoroughly believe that I have learned many transferrable skills that will help me in the future in entering the professional world.  Specifically, as a STEM EE Scholar, I have developed both accountability and communication skills.  In the scholars program, students must take responsibility of their schedules as they integrate scholars oriented events, classes and enrichment activities into their busy school lives.  Experiences as a STEM scholar shape me to think more critically and pay closer attention to details that I might otherwise have overlooked.  Also, I believe that this scholars program has taught me to be a better communicator.  Learning about STEM fields with other first and second year scholars students pushes me to discuss plans and ideas for the future.  I can now better coordinate with others for within the program, scholars students are promoted to working with one another, scholars coordinators and other academic professionals.

Along with these skills learned enhanced by the STEM EE Scholars program, I have learned other skills from my participation in other academic and co-curricular endeavors.  For example, I have developed stronger planning and critical thinking skills as a member of Pre-Dental Club at Ohio State.  At Pre-Dental Club, perspective students considering attending dental school discuss ways to achieve during undergraduate years and ways to apply to dental school.  My experiences in Pre-Dental Club help me to focus and plan for my future to fulfill goals that I set for myself.  In considering dental school as a viable option post undergraduate work, I have thought critically.  Pre-Dental Club aids me in weighing pros and cons to my decision plans in choosing a career that will be the best fit for me.   These transferrable skill I have learned from my participation in the STEM EE scholars program and Pre-Dental Club will hold key when entering and working in the professional world.

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