Publications & Patents


  1. Gu B. Closing the Loop for Precise Seizure Control. Epilepsy Currents. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/15357597241233221
  2. Gu B*, Levine N, Xu WJ, Lynch R, Pardo Manuel de Villena F, and Philpot B. Ictal neural oscillatory alterations precede sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. Brain Communication 2022 4(2), fcac073. PMID: 35474855.
  3. Gu B* and Adeli H. Toward automated Prediction of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 2022 May 27. doi: 10.1515/revneuro-2022-0024. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35619127
  4. Gu B. Open the window for the cure of Dravet. Epilepsy Currents, April 2022. doi:10.1177/15357597221097876.
  5. Gu B*, Shorter J*, Williams L, Bell T, Hock P, Dalton K, Pan Y, Miller D, Shaw G, Cooley B, Philpot B and Pardo Manuel de Villena F, 2020. Collaborative Cross Mouse Populations Reveal Extreme Epilepsy Phenotypes and Genetic Loci for Seizure Susceptibility. Epilepsia, 61(9):2010-2021.
  6. Gu B, Zhu M, Glass M, Rougié M, Nikolova V, Moy S, Carney P and Philpot B, 2019. Cannabidiol attenuates seizures and EEG abnormalities in Angelman syndrome model mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 129(12):5462-5467.
  7. Gu B, Carstens K, Judson M, Dalton K, Rougié M, Clark E, Dudek S and Philpot B, 2019. Ube3a reinstatement mitigates epileptogenesis in Angelman syndrome model mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 129 (1):163–168.
  8. Gu B, Huang Y, He XP, Joshi R, Jang W and McNamara J, 2015. A peptide uncoupling BDNF receptor TrkB from phospholipase Cγ1 prevents epilepsy induced by status epilepticus. Neuron, 88 (3): 484–491.
  9. Liu G*, Gu B*, He XP, Joshi R, Wackerle H, Rodriguiz RM, Wetsel W and McNamara J, 2013. Transient inhibition of TrkB kinase after status epilepticus prevents development of temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuron, 79 (1): 31–38.
  10. Sigmon J, Blanchard M, Baric R, Bell T, Brennan J, Brockmann G, Burks A, Calabrese J, Caron K, Cheney R, Ciavatta D, Conlon F, Darr D, Faber J, Franklin C, Gershon T, Gralinski L, Gu B, …, Pardo-Manuel de Villena F, 2020. Content and performance of the MiniMUGA genotyping array, a new tool to improve rigor and reproducibility in mouse research. Genetics, 216(4): 905-930.
  11. Anderson R, Cook J, Delpratt N, Nouls J, Gu B, McNamara J, Avants B, Johnson A and Badea A, 2019. Small animal multivariate brain analysis (SAMBA) — a high throughput pipeline with a validation framework. Neuroinformatics, 17 (3): 451–472.
  12. Bao H*, Asrican B*, Li W*, Gu B, Wen Z. Lim SA, Haniff I, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Philpot B and Song J, 2017. Long-range GABAergic inputs regulate neural stem cell quiescence and control adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Cell Stem Cell, 21, 604–617.
  13. Gu B and Dalton K, 2017. Models and detection of spontaneous recurrent seizures in laboratory rodents. Zoological Research, 38 (4), 171–179.
  14. Judson M, Wallace M, Sidorov M, Burette A, Gu B, Van G, King I, Han JE, Zylka M, Elgersma Y, Weinberg R, and Philpot B, 2016. Selective loss of GABAergic Ube3a causes Angelman syndrome-like EEG abnormalities and enhances seizure susceptibility. Neuron, 90 (1): 56–69.
  15. Huang Y, Hernandez F, Gu B, Stockdale K, Nanapaneni K, Scheetz T, Behlke M, Peek A, Bair T, Giangrande P, McNamara J II, 2012. RNA aptamer-based functional ligands of the neurotrophin receptor, TrkB. Molecular Pharmacology, 82 (4): 623–35.
  16. Gu B, Nakamichi N, Zhang WS, Nakamura Y, Kambe Y, Fukumori R, Takuma K, Yamada K, Takarada T, Taniura H and Yoneda Y, 2009. Possible protection by notoginsenoside R1 against glutamate neurotoxicity mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors composed of an NR1/NR2B subunit assembly, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 87(9):2145–
  17. Fukuzaki E, Takuma K, Funatsu Y, Himeno Y, Kitahara Y, Gu B, Mizoguchi H, Ibi D, Koike K, Inoue M, Yan SD and Yamada K, 2008. Ovariectomy increases neuronal amyloid-beta binding alcohol dehydrogenase level in the mouse hippocampus, Neurochemistry International, 52(7):1358–
  18. Shannon T, Cotter C, Fitzgerald J, Houle S, Levine N, Shen Y, Rajjoub N, Dobres S, Iyer S, Xenakis J, Lynch R, de Villena FP, Kokiko-Cochran O, Gu B. Genetic diversity drives extreme responses to traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic epilepsy. Exp Neurol. 2024 Apr;374:114677. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2024.114677. Epub 2024 Jan 6. PMID: 38185315.
  19. Shannon T, Levine N, Dirickson R, Shen Y, Cotter C, Rajjoub N, Fitzgerald J, Pardo-Manuel de Villena F, Kokiko-Cochran O and Gu B (2024) Early hippocampal high-amplitude rhythmic spikes predict post-traumatic epilepsy in mice. Front. Neurosci. 18:1422449. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1422449

* these authors contributed equally to this work



  1. McNamara J., He XP, Huang Y, Gu B and Pan E. Compositions and Methods for the Treatment of Neurologic and Psychiatric Conditions. (WO/2011/103471)
  2. McNamara J., McNamara J II, Huang Y, Hernandez F, Giangrande P and Gu B. Nucleic Acid Aptamers Directed to Surface Receptors and Methods of Use. (WO/2013/082515)