Takeaways from the course

  1.  Dedicate time to spend working on the class. Set aside time every week to work on just the class. With an online class, you often don’t need to meet in a particular place at the same time every week, so creating a schedule helps to make sure you’re taking the class seriously. Its easy to fall into a habit of checking into your online class in your spare time and not dedicating the proper amount of quality time to ensure that you will succeed in the class.
  2. Use a planner, calendar, or other method of managing your tasks within the class (as well as those outside the class). Creating a system of task management and completion can increase your productivity tremendously. By writing down my tasks and thoughts, I can effectively create a plan to get all of my tasks done and submit my assignments on time. The app trello, mentioned in this course, has been a very useful tool for managing tasks.
  3. Reflect on your mistakes. Making mistakes is inevitable. Losing points on assignments really sucks, and its usually avoidable. Something that is useful to do is to look at the feedback given for your mistakes and consider what you can do different in the future to avoid losing points. This seems like an obvious tip, but I feel like it can always be practiced and perfected.