Visual Learning through consistent practice.

Something that I have discovered about myself is that I learn best when I dedicate time to practice my knowledge. Prior to college, school was something that came naturally to me, and I never really had to dedicate a lot of effort to do well. I am now faced with harder content at a faster rate than I was used to. During the transition to college, I realized that if I intend to keep my grades up and succeed at school, I would have to practice my knowledge on a regular basis. Reading the book and taking notes is very important. You can’t expect yourself to succeed if you don’t have a good foundation. Next comes completing homework assignments and projects on time. This might sound obvious and cliché, but there is a lot to be learned from homework and the more you apply your knowledge, the better you will remember it. Lastly, and most importantly, you need to go above and beyond the assigned work. For me, re working homework problems, finding study guides, and watching youtube videos is an effective strategy to solidify my knowledge. This step is open to interpretation. If flash cards work for you, use them! Mnemonic devices make things easy to remember? Try using them in your notes! Practice really helps, especially when it comes to that exam content that was covered months ago.

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