June 21-27 is National Pollinator Week. In honor of pollinators I am sharing this video I made from back in my time in Hocking County. Only three minutes, it contains some of my favorite imagery from my time in Extension.
June 21-27 is National Pollinator Week. In honor of pollinators I am sharing this video I made from back in my time in Hocking County. Only three minutes, it contains some of my favorite imagery from my time in Extension.
La espinaca es una verdura que crece bien durante el invierno y la puede cosechar durante los días fríos del año. Aprenda a cultivar, cosechar y preparar ensaladas de espinacas con este video informativo y atractivo creado por OSU Extension Franklin County
¡Con mucho sabor!
What is in harvest? What bugs are we seeing in the garden right now? What is coming up in June and Summer weather? Check out this two minute FAST Update in the Community Garden to see what is happening right NOW.
As we continue to make videos we want to make sure we include as many of our client-residents as possible. Big Thanks! to OSU Extension Franklin County’s Nora Hesse for her awesome translation skills.
Radishes are one of my favorite vegetables to grow. Easy, early and tasty, they signal spring harvest. They make dynamite pickles and are a great way to use fresh harvested radishes from your garden. Jenny and I are at it again with a quick and easy two-minute video to show you how to grow, harvest and prepare spicy radish pickles.
Jenny and I were back in the garden and the kitchen to create a healthy and delicious salad made from home grown spinach planted last fall, grown over winter and harvested fresh from the demonstration garden. The spinach salad can be topped with any number of different fruits, nuts and cheeses as well. Enjoy!
Would you like to learn how to grow over winter? Here is a virtual class recorded this past fall that will demonstrate the technique so that you can harvest homegrown spinach in the late winter and early spring.
Franklin County has a large and diverse population and at Extension we strive to serve all Ohioans. Big thanks for the translation assist from my OSU Extension Franklin County colleague, Nora Hesse. We will be translating more videos to engage more of our central Ohio client-residents.
El maíz dulce es delicioso y crece muy bien en Ohio. Se planta a mediados o finales de mayo, y se cosecha a finales del verano o principios del otoño. Asar a la parrilla es una manera fácil de preparar maíz dulce que maximiza su sabor. Aprenda a cultivar, cosechar y preparar maíz dulce con este video divertido y atractivo creado por OSU Extension Franklin County.
Check out this new video from Jenny Lobb and I on growing, harvesting and creating a healthy kale chip snack.
Here is a fun video for some delicious fall grilling. Not hungry yet? Check out our first video on How to Grill Sweet Corn!
My OSU Extension Franklin County colleague, Jenny Lobb, and I have been working on a project that pairs our two program areas( Agriculture and Natural Resources with Family and Consumer Sciences) together for a little social outreach. Plus we both really like sweet corn.
We will be working on more videos featuring growing and cooking with fresh seasonable produce so be sure to check back.