Marketing 101 for Urban Farmers on Thursday February 2nd, 2023 at 6:30pm

There is an upcoming opportunity for Urban Farmers hosted at OSU Extension Franklin County.  See the details below. There is a cost of $10 per person.  For any questions contact Mike Hogan at 


CLICK here to view, download, or print the flyer –> Marketing Urban Farming_Franklin Co Training

Attention Ohio Food Producers – Ohio CAN

This looks like a great opportunity. Producers can sell food to the Ohio Association of Foodbanks.   Try the QR code in the pic below or if that does not work,  open the PDF of the flyer at the bottom to get more information.  You can also click HERE for the press release as well as HERE for the website page with more information.

CLICK HERE to view, print, or download the flyer –>  Ohio CAN One Pager


High Tunnel Soil Borne Disease Testing

We have numerous high tunnels in Franklin County at both community gardens and urban farms.  USDA ARS (Agricultural Research Service) based in Wooster is now accepting samples for free to test the soil in high tunnels for the presence of soil borne disease.

CLICK HERE for the submission form and more information. –> Soil_submission_form_2022

Questions? Please contact Anna Testen, or 330-641-2862.

Good Agricultural Practices Workshop on Saturday April 2nd, 2022 @ 2:00pm

There is a Good Agricultural Practices workshop coming up soon,  see details below.

For questions contact Mike Hogan at

Click here to view, print, or download the flyer –> 2022 GAPs Workshop Flyer

Fruit Tree Grafting Workshop on Thursday March 24th, 2022 @ 6:30 pm

There will be a fruit tree grafting workshop on Thursday March 24th, 2022 @ 6:30 pm.  See details below.  Cost is $40 and registration is required.

To view, print, or download the flyer click here —-> Fruit Tree Grafting

To register click THIS LINK.

For any questions contact Mike Hogan @

Biosecurity for Backyard Poultry

Biosecurity is one of the most important tools in the toolbox of the poultry producer.  Learn some tips about keeping your flock safe in this short video collaboration with The Ohio Poultry Association.

It is also up on OSU Extension Facebook and Twitter.  Feel free to share with your audiences.

2022 Small Farm Conference and Trade Show on Saturday March 12th in Mansfield, Ohio

Here is the flyer with details on classes, location, and registration information for the upcoming Small Farm Conference and Tradeshow.  This is a great opportunity for the beginner to seasoned farmer to get information on a large number of topics in a one day timeframe.

CLICK HERE for a printable flyer —> Small Farm Conference Brochure 2022 (1)

For more information contact Carri Jagger @ or Sabrina Schirtzinger at


Cosecha de Espinacas para una Ensalada Saludable

As we continue to make videos we want to make sure we include as many of our client-residents as possible.  Big Thanks! to OSU Extension Franklin County’s Nora Hesse for her awesome translation skills.