Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusion and Recommendations

The coding of the Yahtzee felt very hectic the entire time. Most of what made the game work had not been covered in class, therefore, there was lots of trial and error involved. Furthermore, the algorithm had not been formed prior to trying to code the program. In failing to do so, often times there were points where the objective was lost and it was hard to remember the purpose of certain parts of the code. Pertaining to the problem-solving method, the steps where the problem is defined and represented are the most crucial. They stand as a checks-and-balances wherein they remind the problem solver of the goal and the possible pathways to reach the solution. Pertaining to the programming, naming functions and variables according to their function in the code as well as regularly commenting is equally as significant. It was found that it was hard to explain one part of the code to another or ask for help when nothing was separated out or explained in the code. By naming the variables according to their purpose, it is easier to refer back to them to fix errors. Also, to use them later in the program without having to scroll all the way back up hundreds of lines of code and re-figure out their purpose. Commenting, organized the entire program and also operated as a checks-and-balances. If more time was allotted for development, more graphics would be added as the program now is not aesthetically appealing. In the real world of app and game development, code is not shown and the successful ones are not text based. The group as a whole had little to no experience with graphics in MATLAB, therefore, it was not implemented here.