This is a shower back scrubber. It features a wooden seat that covers a removable plastic shower tote. It drills into the wall at the top above the shower material, and then suction cups to the wall of the shower, and an adjustable standing leg for at the bottom to help hold the weight. Electricity is wired to the motors through the tube at the top, and there are many motions that the scrubbers can do. There are interchangeable parts so that everyones needs can be met. It is in total around 5 feet tall, but it depends on the adjustable led height.
This is a shower lathe. It is inspired from the videos in class about machining. It would rotate quickly and the users would move themselves around it to make it clean as it spins. It would have a motor that is fairly powerful, and has an external power supply that is all contained in the metal housing, and goes from there through a hole outside the shower. It would be fastened with screws. This would be an 11×9 in. metal base, and stick out 1 & 1/2 ft.
This is another version of my previous design. This zipper clip would offer a way to facilitate to zipping with only one hand. This particular design is supportive of all types of pants. It is fairly simple and self explanatory on the usage. This whole piece would be comprised of a matte, hard, rubber. This would be about an inch and a half long and 2 cm wide at the top, tapering to 1 cm at the bottom.
This is another modification of the clip that could help to make it accesable, and less noticeable. The part that recieves the sipper is hard rubber; while the other part that receives the metal pin. This would be about 2×2 cm, and around 1 and 1/2 cm long.