First Week of “13th” Grade

First day of 13th grade:)

Wow, what a day!

As I sit here writing this, I just completed my first week as a college freshman at The Ohio State University! This week has been full of new experiences, new friends, and new challenges — all of which have contributed to my current list of goals. These goals may range from academics to life in general, but I hope to make these goals tangible by writing them down. Hopefully I can monitor my progress and use this as a tool to reflect on my goals, check them off, and make new ones! After reflecting on the week, I’ve come up with 2 goals to be accomplished in the coming weeks of my first semester here at Ohio State!

  • Join a Club
    • College is all about getting involved, so that’s what I want to do! After attending the involvement fair, I realized how many opportunities there are within Fisher and the University itself, so I hope I can find something I’m passionate about, create lots of memories, and make new friends!
  • Use Available Resources to my Advantage
    • Let me tell you…after only 2 classes of calculus, I can already tell I’m gonna have to work really hard! Like I said, I’m a math lover, but that doesn’t mean it all comes naturally to me, so I’m setting the goal of reaching out for help and using my resources to my advantage! Be it office hours, tutoring, or meeting with friends for help, I hope to step outside of my comfort zone and get the help I need when I need it:)

I hope to work towards meeting these goals, checking them off, and continually making new goals for myself as I progress in my first year adventure!

Peace and Blessings,