Capstone Introduction

Remembering when to take your medication can be hard and dangerous if you forget to take it. In order to fix this problem, I plan to design an app to help people remember when to take their medications. This app would be for people who take daily medication, people who are on antibiotics and people who are post-operative after a surgery. The app will send people reminders on when to take their medications. This app would work by allowing people to list all the medications they take into the app and then people who be able to selective how often they need to take the medication. If it is a daily medication then the person would be able to select what time of day they want to be reminded to take that medication and you would be able to add a note with the reminder. If the medication is an hourly medication you can put in how often you need to take the medicine and the start time of the initial dose as well as a note with the reminder. The note is important because it can remind people important things about the medication, for example, the medication needs to be taken with food or that it cannot be mixed with other medications. This will help people take their medications more consistently and at the right time which will hopefully improve their health.

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