Safety first!

Ji-Eun (JJ) Kim is hard at work in the clean lab using a cocktail of reagents (HF-HNO3-HCl-H2O2) to digest marine sediments from the Cretaceous. The goal of this work is to calibrate a high resolution XRF scan from core collected in the western Pacific. The results will be presented at the Fall Meeting of AGU in December. This work was made possible from funding provided by Friends of Orton Hall.

Brittan presents at GSA

Brittan traveled to GSA 2019 in Phoenix, AZ to present a poster. Her poster was entitled “Organomineralization of Microbialites from Storr’s Lake, San Salvador Island, Bahamas: Calcium, Carbon, and Oxygen Stable Isotope Analysis.”

This was her first time attending GSA, and was supported by Friends of Orton Hall (FOH) and On to the Future Program.

Way to go Brittan!