Year in Review

This has been a year of unparalleled growth for me. And I think I speak for all freshmen when I say that not one of us is the same person we were in August. Since moving to Columbus and beginning a completely new life at Ohio State, I have challenged myself academically and opened my mind to new beliefs and lifestyles. I have discovered new hobbies and passions that I never imagined I would pursue in high school. I have met amazing new friends and been incredible new places. I have pushed my comfort zone socially and sometimes pushed myself to the limit mentally.

I look back and think: already in this school year, I have encountered so many extraordinary people, traveled out of the country, survived a nightmare election, influenced university and state level policy, acquired leadership positions in student organizations, and explored the city of Columbus. And I still have three years left.

I am so grateful to Ohio State for being so big and diverse. Without these qualities, I would not have received the opportunities that I did. I’m so, so ready for three more years.

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