Location: Room 102-103
9:30-10:30 AM
Box Tree Moth (BTM): A Look Forward
Joe Boggs, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Hamilton County/OSU Dept. of Entomology
Much has happened since the discovery of BTM in Ohio in 2023. Will this non-native boxwood pest mean boxwoods have reached a dead end, or is BTM just a pothole in the boxwood road? This presentation looks back to provide a realistic view forward.
Professional Credits:
- ISA: Certified Arborist, Utility Specialist, Municipal Specialist, BCMA Science, TW Climber Specialist, TW Aerial Lift Specialist
- ODA: Commercial 6A, Private 4
- KY Pesticide Applicator: Category 3
- IN Pesticide Applicator: 3A, RT
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Biodiversity Collapse and the Future of the Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome
Dr. Walter P. Carson, Professor of Biology, University of Pittsburgh (Retired)
Three major processes shape the diversity and abundance of plant species in forests throughout in the eastern U.S. These are wind disturbances (e.g., tornadoes), fire, and browsing by overabundant white-tail deer. My presentation simultaneously parses out the importance of these processes and identifies the one that threatens thousands of plant species, primarily native wildflower but also trees and shrubs.
Professional Credits:
- ISA: Certified Arborist, Municipal Specialist, BCMA Science
- ODA: Commercial 4A, Private 4
- KY Pesticide Applicator: Category 2
- IN Pesticide Applicator: 2, RT
1:30-2:30 PM
Healthy Soil Healthy Food Webs
David Burke, Vice President for Science and Conservation at Holden Forests & Gardens
We often think of soil from the perspective of nutrients and organic matter. How much compost, organic matter and fertilizer is needed for good soil. But is that enough? In this presentation we will provide a new perspective on soil – one that views soil as alive with organisms that all contribute to healthy soil and healthy food webs. If we can “grow” our soil wisely, our plants will thrive and grow, too.
Professional Credits:
- ISA: Certified Arborist, Municipal Specialist, BCMA Science
3:00-4:00 PM
Challenges to Rooting of New Woody Ornamental Plants.
Dr. Donglin Zhang, Professor, Dept. of Horticulture, University of Georgia
The successful commercialization of new woody ornamental plants hinges on the establishment of effective regeneration strategies. Our research efforts have yielded a multitude of new clones, some of which show remarkable market potential. However, the propagation of these plants presents considerable challenges that can significantly delay or even prevent the launch of promising cultivars. I will disseminate our findings and insights.
Professional Credits:
- ISA: Certified Arborist, Municipal Specialist, BCMA Science
4:10-5:10 PM
No Presentation