G.O.A.L.S Reflection

Throughout our experience with STEM EE scholars, we follow what we call the G.O.A.L.S. This includes:

Global Awareness: Some of our activities had a focus on international ideas and cultures, including going to an on-campus diversity event

Original Inquiry: STEM EE Scholars encourages us to look into research opportunities, finding relevant research articles, and contacting professors that may provide future research opportunities.

Academic Enrichment: The STEM learning community encourages cooperation and support between members of the community. The program also encourages students to attend educational events outside the classroom and getting involved with a STEM related student organization.

Leadership Development: Learning and practicing leadership skills is an important part of the scholars program meant to enable students to achieve and succeed in leadership roles

Service Engagement: The scholars program allows students to gain experience in different scenarios with community service opportunities throughout college.

Two particular G.O.A.L.S that I believe are more applicable to me in my future educational career are Original Inquiry and Academic Enrichment.


I believe Original Inquiry is applicable to me due to my experience with the scholars interview project, where we looked through research articles and interviewed a professor. I learned that accessing research and professors is not difficult at all, and I’m going to seriously consider finding a research opportunity within the next four years of college. If I end up getting involved in research, this may allow me to go to a graduate school beyond my four years of college.


As for Academic Enrichment, I learned that there are a lot of different student organizations that I can get involved in. If I end up taking less demanding classes in the future, I will definitely try to get involved with more student organizations within the next four years, and if I find something I enjoy, I may try to further pursue that activity after I leave college.

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