Our Team

Meet Our Team!

We Cannot Wait to Meet You!

Campus Directors

Mike and Kim Havenstein

Mike and Kim have a passion for working with university students. They figure it’s partly because they like to think they’re still 22 years old themselves, partly because they grew so much in their own walks with the Lord during those years, and partly because they met each other & fell in love while students themselves at Purdue University. Mike and Kim see themselves as somewhat unique campus directors, having firsthand experience both with living overseas and running Greek life ministry (6 years at the University of Cincinnati & Xavier University, 12 years at the University of Nebraska, 3 year in Malaysia, and now at Ohio State). As such, they’ve moved to Ohio State to focus on those two needs: ministering to both Greek and international students.

Campus Leaders

This amazing group of students all lead Bible Studys for their chapters at Ohio State University! Each of them come from different background, chapters, and majors. We would love to meet you and walk through life with you! Fill out the Get Involved link to learn more!