The Laboratory for Greek Dialectology welcomes visitors from around the world who are interested in and work on Greek dialects. Anyone interested in visiting should contact the director.
Our first visitor was Dr. Eljana Kokalari of the Department of Foreign Languages at Eqrem Çabej University in Gjirokastër, Albania. She spent an afternoon (30 November 2018) with us, and did a most interesting presentation on her research on semantic interference between Greek and Albanian (in both directions, Greek on Albanian and Albanian on Greek).
In February (2019), two Greek visitors spent several weeks at the Laboratory (and took part in our Workshop — click here for details): Marianna Katsoyannou, a professor at the University of Cyprus and a specialist in the Greek varieties of southern Italy, and Michalis Marinis, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Patras, working on a dissertation on Greek morphology in conditions of contact. In addition, Domenica Romagno, a Hellenist, Classicist, and neurolinguistic specialist from the University of Pisa, visited for a week, presenting a paper in our Workshop and meeting with members of the linguistic, Hellenist, and neuroscience communities at OSU.
COVID restricted visitors to the Laboratory from 2020 into 2022 but in March of 2022, Dr. Konstantinos Sampanis visited with us from March 26 – April 6, and besides attending lectures on historical linguistics and Balkan linguistics and interacting with Laboratory members, he gave a lecture on the Cappadocian dialect of Greek, “On the so-called typological shift in Asia Minor Greek”, on the effects on Greek in Asia Minor of contact with Turkish, a hotly debated issue on which Dr. Sampanis gave a very interesting perspective.